The Drink – The Coming Rain

Angular punk, glitchy electronic pulsing and airy vocals all combine on The Drink‘s new single The Coming Rain. The genre splicing track is the first off new album Capital and it’s as electic and spinning as anything from their debut. Indie pop hurls along under spiky riffs and is peppered with intense beats as the trackContinue reading “The Drink – The Coming Rain”

Haiku Salut Lamp Show at Westminster Reference Library

On a Friday evening ending one of those Indian Summer September days, Westminster Reference Library was filled with people curious about discovering something new. Not necessarily through books this time. Hushed yet with a curious hum there was a sense that something a little magical could be about to begin. Looking like the eccentric livingContinue reading “Haiku Salut Lamp Show at Westminster Reference Library”

Evvol – Eternalism

Australian-French-Irish duo Evvol release their debut album Eternalism via !K7 Records and its packed through with glacial soundscapes and tectonic shifts, delicate snowflake vocals that glow through the windpipe melodies and pounding beats evoking the Berlin dance scene in which they are immersed. Dark and brooding, scintillating and energetic, it’s a textured and pulsing collection of tunes.